The Spring Meeting of the Pine County Township Officer’s Association was held on Saturday, March 30, 2013, at the Hinckley American Legion Hall. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Frank Grundmeier at 9:00 a.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was led Chair Frank Grundmeier. The Invocation was provided by Frank Grundmeier.
Roll call was taken with 27 townships present, establishing a quorum.
We had several speakers:
Stephan Hallan, County Commissioner, District1, Curt Rossow, County Commissioner, District 4 and Doug Carlson, County Commissioner, District 5, all spoke about the direction the county is going and they agree to hold down levies down.
Kelly Schroeder, County Land Services Director and Assessor said that there were 112 houses damaged in the recent flood. She also brought a list of trained reviewers for the Board of Equalization and also dropped off a list of residents involved in the Green Acres Program.
Sheriff Cole spoke about the shooting in the Brook Park area and about the Deputy that was charged with a felony for stealing prescription drugs.
He also spoke about the 800 MHz system and how it’s being implanted.
Lenny Bonander thanked everyone for their support to help keep the hospital in Sandstone. He also spoke on other matters related to the Hospital Board.
Curt Nelson from Clover Township spoke about his opposition to the Hospital Board.
Steve Nelson, Arlone Township said the hospital has done well under Essentia.
David Coleman, Sandstone Township, said we need the Hospital District.
Conservation Officer, Eugene Wynn, said that they have three CO’s to cover Pine County. He spoke on various issues, including the past wolf hunt and the effort to stop aquatic invasive species from taking over lakes.
Rick Olsen, Field Representative for Congressman Nolan mentioned that his office is in Chisago County. He spoke about issues of concerns, including Hwy 70, trucks using it to haul silicon gravel. He also went on to say that Congressman Nolan is for NLX. He also believes that broadband should be implemented similar to the REA.
Tim Faust, State Representative, District 11B spoke about school funding, gun control, and about the increase in gas tax.
Don Sherper, MAT District Manager, said that township officers need to attend the district meetings; he also talked about upcoming laws that can affect townships, such as city annexing townships; allowing local road authorities to set speed limits, plus or minus 10 miles; silicon mining issues and about non elected fire board affecting levies.
Business Meeting
Motion made, seconded, and passed to approve the minutes of the October 27, 2012 meeting.
Motion made, seconded, and passed to approve the Treasurer’s March 30, 2013 report.
Dave Kappauf from Clover Township and Frank Grundmeier from Dell Grove Township were re-elected for a three year term on the Pine County Township Officer’s Executive Committee.
Frank Grundmeier said that the ECRDC will get an increase in money this year.
Motion made, seconded, and approved to adjourn at 12:00 p.m.
Respectively submitted by
Glen Williamson Sr.
Pine County Township Officers Association
Date Approved:______________________