The Spring Meeting of the Pine County Township Officer’s Association was held on Saturday, March 28, 2015, at the Hinckley American Legion Hall. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Frank Grundmeier at 9:00 a.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was led Chair Frank Grundmeier. The Invocation was provided by Frank Grundmeier.
Roll call was taken with 28 townships present, establishing a quorum.
Motion made and seconded to approve the minutes from the Fall Meeting, Saturday, October 25, 2014.
Motion made and seconded to approve the Treasurer’s report.
We had several speakers:
Jason Rarick, State Representative, District 11B wants to get to as many township meetings as possible. He’s working hard to get a bridge put in for the new hospital. He’s pushing for $60 million to go to townships for roads. He also wants to end funding going into MNDOT for NLX. You can write to him at
Stephan Hallan, County Commissioner, District 1 said he’s working with Representative Rarick and Senator Lourey on the Indian Child Welfare Act. The county has 1600 miles of road. He said that the county zoning on noise and blight is being worked on. We’ll know more in two years. There isn’t a quick fix.
He mentioned that the county also put a lot of money into upgrading roads all around the county.
Curt Rossow, County Commissioner, District 4 said that we shouldn’t fret over county zoning on noise and blight. County is within budget. He wants the state to fully fund their mandates. County Road 52 will be black topped to Denham in 2016. It cost about $256K per mile to black top a road. He talked about the county official salary and why it wasn’t published in the newspaper.
Reese Fredrickson, County Attorney said he works great with the Sheriff and County Commissioners. He’ll be cracking down on repeat criminals and also maybe getting another prosecutor.
Jeff Nelson, County Sheriff wants to attend township meetings. His email address is, phone 320-591-0409. Many deputy sheriffs are doing 12 hour shifts and hopefully they’ll be hiring new people. He recently sent two deputies to Field Training Officer’s Course. He’s finding funding for technology.
Kelly Schroeder, County Land Services Director said tax statement went out Friday. Some property taxes went up, some went down. Land value basically stayed the same, but building values went up. She expects to have a quiet Board of Review throughout the county. Eighteen townships have their own sewer ordinance. Many township officers in attendance thanked her for help in doing their own sewer ordinance.
Sandstone City Councilor, Lenny Bonander, President of the Sandstone Economic Committee said that the 40 acre medical campus will service the entire community. The city of Sandstone will put about $2 million into this project. He said they are working with our state representative and senator to help build a bridge that the hospital needs.
He also mentioned that the railroad corridor running through this area needs a significant upgrade.
Ron Osladil of the North Pine Area Hospital District passed out flyers about what’s going on with the Hospital District.
Conservation Officer Brent Grundmeier said there is a new law that establishes new perennial vegetation buffers of up to 50 feet along rivers, streams, and ditches that will help filter out phosphorus, nitrogen, and sediment. They are working on helping to get Minnesota out of the Wolf Endangered Species Act and he can also help farmers again with wolf kill. They are down to only 25 Conservation Officers. Deer numbers are down and probably will see restrictions on the number of deer taken.
Lyle Johnson, MAT, District 7 Director spoke about what the L and R committee is all about and the time limit for bringing the resolutions to be voting on. Also said they are working on making it easier for land to revert back to to townships. Many local roads need fixing, we just need to figure out how to fund it. The Department of Revenue will no longer be doing Board of Review Training. However MAT is trying to get them to reconsider. The Broadband Initiative is that all rural residences would have 10 meg down/5 meg up of internet bandwidth.
The Retro Reflectivity law has been rescinded. Also, you can download the Traffic Sign Maintenance Handbook from the MAT webstie.
Business Meeting
Frank Grundmeier said he will be retiring from the East Central Regional Development Commission in June. Glen Williamson was nominated and elected to replace Frank on the commission. Glen’s first ECRDC meeting will be Monday, August 24, 2015 in Mora, MN.
Paul Raymond and Katy Overtoom were Reelected to the Executive Board for another 3 years.
Tiffany Roots, Kettle River, Katy Overtoom, Chengwantana, Gigi Everett, Paul Raymond and Glen Williamson, Wilma townships were voted on to receive $300 stipend each to attend the MAT Annual Conference, November 19 – 21, 2015 in Alexandria, MN. The stipend/reimbursement will be paid directly to each of their respective township. They must submit a claim form to receive this reimbursement.
Lyle Johnson, MAT District 7 Director explained why it was important to attend the MAT Annual Conference.
Motion made, seconded, and approved to adjourn at 11:00 a.m.
Respectively submitted by
Glen Williamson Sr.
Pine County Township Officer’s Association
Date Approved:______________________