The Fall Meeting of the Pine County Township Officer’s Association was held on Saturday, October 23, 2021, at the Hinckley Community Center, in Hinckley, MN. The meeting was called to order by Chair Katy Overtoom at 9:00 a.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chair Katie Overtoom. The Invocation was provided by Katy Overtoom.
Roll call was taken with 15 townships present, establishing a quorum.
Motion made and seconded to approve the minutes from the Spring Meeting, Saturday, March 23, 2021.
We had several speakers:
State Rep. Nathan, 11B talked about Chronic Waste Disease (CWD) and how they can test live deer. They don’t need to be dead. The state has approved $70 million for Broadband. SCI is having difficulties getting junction boxes for Broadband. The supply chain is a problem.
Steve Hallan, District 1 Commissioner, said Matt Ludwig’s wife has leukemia and she has been in Rochester for about 100 days. Broadband is a top priority. The more people who engage; the more the carrier will move in the area. MINCO is putting in fiber near Rock Creek. If you shoot a deer, get it tested. Deer hunting is a huge economic thing in this county. Because of Covid, about 70 employees are working from home. And productivity has gone up with a savings of almost $3 million. According to the recent census, they have lost 800 people from 10 years ago. ECE is working on a partnership to bring broadband to us. He urges that citizens get more involved in Broadband participation by attending meetings.
Kelly Schroeder, County Auditor said they are working on Truth and Taxation Statements, and it should be going out about a week earlier. She and Leslie are available if you need help. 20/21 high school graduates can go to Pine Tech free. Also if they are taking law programs at Fond Du Lac College. Her office is reaching out to townships to what their voting needs are. The county commissioners are responsible for redistricting. 3500 acres are a part of the Memorial Forest Ordinance this summer. The county got a grant to build a Household Hazardous Building in the north area. Hopefully construction will start Spring 2022.
County Attorney Reese Frederickson said they just moved to a new home in a township. This year his office has been very busy and are backlogged. If your township needs help, give him a call. He talked about a child abuse case in which the father was abusing his son and daughter. However more victims from this father are coming forth from those living in different states now. This father, after the first day of trial, ending up shooting and killing himself, rather than stand trial. This predator operated under the radar for about 30 years.
Scott Grice, Chief Deputy, Sheriff Department: They have started a drone program and are used an ankle GPS to track a suspect. They used a drone to track this suspect who had a rifle and they heard wanted “suicide by cop”. They are having a hard time find law enforcement candidates. However, they found four good candidates who are currently in training.
Lenny Bonander, Hospital Board and NLX: It took about 10 years, but with community support, they were able to build a new hospital. It’s taken about 15 years to get the railroad maters to where it is now. He read a proposed City of Sandstone resolution to have politicians support NLX. It was adopted 7/21/21. It will cost between $350 to $500 million to get train services in this area. The majority of the money is to straighten out intersections on the railroad lines.
Mindy Sandell, Veterans Services said they are 2326 veterans in Pine County. They are bringing roughly $29 million in services to these veterans.
Michael Miller, District 7 Director, Minnesota Association of Townships: Spoke about MAT and it’s work that it’s doing for the townships at the Capital. If townships need any help, to contact him.
Motion made and seconded to adjourn at 10:15am.
Respectively submitted by
Glen Williamson Sr.
Pine County Township Officers’ Association
Date Approved:______________________