
Local Board of Appeal and Equalization




Local Board of Appeal and Equalization – The new schedules for
the 2025 meetings were recently emailed to your Clerks. I do
need confirmation from those of you who hold your own meetings.
If you are using the open book format, you do not need to confirm
with me.

For those of you who hold your own meetings, you must have a
quorum along with at least one trained member present. The
training requirements along with the listing of trained members
were also sent to your Clerks. The trained member listing was as
of October 1, 2024. If either of these are not present at the
meeting, the meeting will continue to be held but it will go to the
open book format and the County will take the meeting over. It
will then be an open meeting the following year also. For
example, your trained member(s) were not able to make the
meeting in 2025 or you did not have a quorum present. The
County will continue to hold the meeting at that time; it will then be
an open book meeting in 2026 at the place and time stated in the
2026 schedule; and your Board will then need to file a resolution
with our office by February 1, 2027, to reinstate the 2027 meeting.
I am more than happy to work with you and the resolution you will
need to file in the event this occurs for any of you.
It is strongly encouraged to have more than one of your members
trained for these meetings. The on-line training has simplified and
it takes about 45 minutes to take and get your name registered
with the Department of Revenue.

Beginning in November, I will start working on our values for taxes
payable in 2026. These values will be based on qualifying sales
that transpired between October 1, 2023, and September 30,
2024. The final value will be stated on the valuation notice you
receive with your 2025 tax statement in late March or early April
of 2025. At that time, if you wish to appeal or value or
classification, or you may just have some questions or need
clarification, please contact our office at (320) 591-1632 and you
will be directed to the appraiser for your township. At that time,
he or she will run through the property with you. If you have a
dwelling on the property, an interior review will need to be made.
Preliminary speaking, it appears land values are continuing to
climb, however, not in all areas of the County. Lake properties
also seem to be slightly increasing. With that being said, the
increases do not seem to mirror what we have been seeing in the
last few years; however, we are still waiting for the last remaining
sales to be recorded.

If any of you have any questions, please reach out to me. My
direct line is (320) 591-1634 or feel free to email me at

Lorri Houtsma