Pine County has scheduled a special board meeting for Friday, March 16, 2018, at 9:30 a.m.. This meeting is not listed on the county’s website calendar. The topic for discussion is “Implementation of the County’s Comprehensive Plan.”
In January 2017, the townships spoke to the board about the comprehensive plan. The plan listed countywide zoning as a solution to every problem from agriculture, gravel pits and recreation to housing.
Here’s what to look for if the county takes over zoning. They will designate which areas of the county will be occupied by city, which will be industrial, which will be forest/recreation and which will be agriculture. They will determine what is allowed in those zones. And, there will be a new level of government, which has already begun with the development of the new County Zoning Board. There will be fees and fines and higher costs for zoning permits done by the county. The county will enforce and prosecute violations of the county’s zoning ordinances.
There was an overwhelming response at the January 2017 meeting from the township officials who attended that meeting. They did not want countywide zoning.
Let your voice be heard. Please attend the meeting. I managed to get the board to change the meeting from Township Day to Friday, March 16, 2018.
You may want to post that the township you represent may have a quorum of supervisors at the March 16 meeting so you are covered under the open meeting law.
Information received from Gussie Croup, Clerk, Sandstone Township