The Fall Meeting of the Pine County Township Officer’s Association was held on Saturday, October 27, 2018, at the Hinckley American Legion Hall. The meeting was called to order by Chair Katy Overtoom at 9:00 a.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was led Chair Katy Overtoom. The Invocation was provided by Katy Overtoom.
Roll call was taken with 21 townships present, establishing a quorum.
Motion made and seconded to approve the minutes from the Spring Meeting, Saturday, March 24, 2018.
We had several speakers:
State Senator, District 11, Tony Lourey said that the last session virtually nothing got done at the state legislature. However, they did get a bonding bill passed. He is looking forward to the legislature fostering a civil, fact-based dialogue between the parties.
Tim Burkhardt, Candidate, District 11B lives in Hinckley and served three terms on the city council. He’s also a Regional 5 director for the MN Association of Small Cities. He talked about his background and why he’s running for State Representative.
State Representative, District 11B, Jason Rarick said if a fiber optic company is using state and federal money to expand, they should allow companies to access the services that’s on their route. He talked about many issues, including the fact that townships have more roads than the state. He went on to say that he and Tony Lourey work well together. He answered many questions about internet connectivity.
Matt Ludwig, County Commissioner, District 5 said he’s been on the board since 2013. He talked about the drug epidemic and that there are 100 kids in out placement. There is $1.8 million dollars for Heath and Human Services. The county added probation officers and a new court room. There was also a $630,000 increase in wages and benefits this year over last year.
Reese Fredrickson, County Attorney talked about the military and his time in the Air Force. He talked about military veterans that have got caught up in the criminal system and how he helps to divert them. They are setting up a regional veteran treatment court to serve Pine, Isanti, Chisago and Kanabec Counties. They are also looking for mentors for veterans. Last year was a record year for bookings and this year is about the same.
County Sheriff, Jeff Nelson said he’s been sheriff for four years now. He stated that overall the community feels good about what the department has accomplished. He talked about the Drug Task Force and what they have done.
Kelly Schroeder, County Land Services Director that Land Services have a lot going on. The county has added many recycling sheds and they will staff and new site near Willow River/Rutledge area. Kelly talked about zoning initiative, the draft ordinance and that it will be an opt-in program. She distributed flyers about the Pine County Zoning Initiative public meetings, Board of Equalization dates, culvert workshops and who is trained to be on the Board of Equation.
Karen Amundson, ECRDC Community Development Planner is putting together a Regional Development Transportation Committee. She talked about the different planning states and how we could help with transportation.
Leah Kampa and Dustie Speldrich, DNR Conservation Officers from the northern part of Pine County said we don’t have Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in our county. However, they do in Aitkin and a couple others. They went on to describe the symptoms of CWD. If you’re involved in a car – deer kill, any police officer can give you a permit to keep the carcass. They went on to say that trespassing is huge in this county. To avoid trespassers, you must post signs at all entrances and back sides of your property, every 500 feet.
Rick Olseen, Field Representative for Congressman Rick Nolan said he’s on a farewell tour because Congressman Nolan is retiring and so he’ll be out of a job, January 2, 2019. He said that Congressman Nolan has a bill that would give those that volunteer for non-profit organizations the same rate as the federal mileage rate. He talked about many issues including that there is a Rural Broadband Coalition, and that as an organization that we may want to join. He noted that 10% of the American economy is transported through the St. Lawrence Seaway.
Tim Fisher, MAT, District 10 Director and MAT new Executive Director David Hann came instead of Michael Miller, District 7 Director who had to be at his regular job. Halm said that he served on the state legislature for 14 years. Even though he never lived in a township, while in the legislature, he stated he represented the interest of all Minnesotans. He went on to state that many in the legislature are unaware about townships, but he plans on educating them. He also talked about broadband and his work with the fire department.
Skip Thompson, Candidate for Pine County Commissioner, District 5 said he wants to sell tax forfeited land. He talked about county wide zoning and what the cost would be.
Business Meeting
Motion made and seconded to approve the Treasurer’s report.
Susan Grill from Kettle River Township was elected to fill the vacancy until March 2019 on the Executive Board, vacated by Roberta Folkestad, Royalton Township. Dan O’Flanagan, Dell Grove township was elected to fill the vacancy until March 2020 on the Executive Board, vacated by Dave Baker, New Dosey Township.
Motion made, seconded and pass to keep rolls in the morning, but discontinue lunch starting March 23, 2019.
Motion made, seconded, and approved to adjourn at 11:15 am.
Respectively submitted by
Glen Williamson Sr.
Pine County Township Officers Association
Date Approved:______________________