
MAT District 7 Lobby Day: Tuesday, April 18 in St. Paul, 12-4 PM

MAT District 7 Lobby Day: Tuesday, April 18 in St. Paul, 12-4 PM Please join fellow township officers of MAT District 7 (which includes townships in Pine, Kanabec, Isanti, Chisago, Anoka, Sherburne, Wright, Washington, Ramsey, Hennepin) in St. Paul for the annual District 7 Lobby Day at the Capitol. We will be in-person! This event will be […]


Implementation of the County’s Comprehensive Plan

Pine County has scheduled a special board meeting for Friday, March 16, 2018, at 9:30 a.m.. This meeting is not listed on the county’s website calendar. The topic for discussion is “Implementation of the County’s Comprehensive Plan.” In January 2017, the townships spoke to the board about the comprehensive plan. The plan listed  countywide zoning as a solution […]


Tourism Business Resource Summit, Monday, April 17, 2017

Partners in East Central MN: You are cordially invited to a Regional Tourism Business Resource Summit on Monday, April 17th from 7:00 – 9:00 PM at Wahkon City Hall (151 2nd Street E. – Wahkon, MN). The goal of this event is to connect Tourism, Hospitality & Retail Businesses along with would-be entrepreneurs to services […]


Pine County Outreach Meetings

I received the email below from David J. Minke, Pine County Administrator today. The county board is interested in meeting with representatives of the townships in the county and asked me to reach out to the township officers association to determine your interest in meeting and potentially set up a meeting. The commissioners are contemplating […]